Soccer Ad by Adidas

24 Jan

People say that a picture says a thousand words, and to me the pictures they are talking about are Ads. You can find ads anywhere, while watching television, moviImagees, on your newspaper, and on your favorite monthly catalog. Basically you can find these types of pictures anywhere you look. The picture or Ad that I wanted to look at today is an Ad from a magazine called Eurosport.
Eurosport is an soccer magazine for a website called “”, and it only advertises for soccer objects that range from sweats to cleats. Most of what the magazine really advertises are the soccer cleats. One of the soccer brands for cleats they really advertise is Adidas. It is one of the most popular brands next to Nike. The popular shoe that Adidas has right now that they put out there a lot, is the Adizero f50. This shoe comes in many different colors, style, and texture. In the ad, they do not put only the shoe to try to convince the reader to buy it, to put a soccer player wearing them. But they do not put any average soccer player wearing them, they put one of the best, and in this picture they put one of the best soccer players  out right now, and his name is Lionel Messi. Messi is an Argentinian soccer player who plays for a popular club in spain called “FC Barcelona” and is one of the worlds fastest, skillful, quickest, and intelligent  players, and i believe that is why adidas chose him to be the player to wear the shoes.
In this ad you see a life size picture of the shoe, and right next to it in big captions, it says “FIND FAST”, implying that if you buy this product you will become faster. The life size photo also gives the reader a clear view of the texture of the shoe to not only say you can get faster, but you can look cool while you pass everyone on the field. On the other side of the ad, it has Messi wearing the shoes. He is not standing in the picture showing off the cleats making them look pretty, he is doing some type of movement, and the movement he is doing is running and about to kick the ball. The picture does not show him doing an average run, it shows him fading away little by little showing that he is moving faster or about the same as the speed of light. The people do this because they want to show the readers and make them truly believe that this product will make them fast. If you are new to the world of soccer you might buy that this product will make you “faster”, but if you have been watching this sport most of your life, then you will probably wont or even if you watch Messi play a game, you will know even with those shoes on he wont run as fast as the picture implies you to believe. An important thing to look at in this ad is the background. In the background you see where Messi is running, he is in a training ground in the late afternoon, almost getting dark. This is important because usually people will put dark colors in a background if they want to make a certain color stand out more than others,in this case the color that the people want you to see is the color yellow. They want you to see that color in this ad because that is the color of his outfit like his side of the shorts, his t-shirt, the ball he is about to kick, and most importantly, the soccer cleats.
With all these combinations, they compliment each other. The color yellow compliments the speed of light they are trying to portray because since it is a light color in the dark, he will look like he is moving a lot quicker than the speed of light. There are not really no truths in this since the picture ad is all done by computer, but people will buy the product anyways because the way the ad is set up, it appeals to the people; it looks magnificent. Another factor of why a person might buy it knowing of the ad would be because of the famous person promoting it, especially if you look up to them. In this case it would be Messi. From my own knowledge, I know that he has a huge fan base for being an amazing player that he is, and that is smart that Adidas chose him to wear the product out of anyone else, because  knowing of how famous he is, some of the fans might be looking to be like him, and if buying this one product that he wears is close to almost being like him, then they will for sure buy it.

Soccer is a popular sport, and the most at that, and they will produce millions of products for the soccer players out there to buy, competing against each other to win over their money. The ads for this particular magazine is smart because they will put whatever it takes to make the picture look “truthful” to sell and make the consumer believe buying this product will make you the next big thing.

One Response to “Soccer Ad by Adidas”

  1. aberney February 4, 2013 at 4:15 am #

    This essay is good, but it describes more than it analyzes. The essay needed to use some of the concepts covered in class and in the first chapter of Sturken and Cartwright in order to analyze the advertisement selected. Was the advertisement saying that the shoe would make you a faster soccer player or that the shoe would help you find your fast, like Messi?

    Basically, the essay is too descriptive and not analytical enough. Also, the essay needed to be structured a bit more thoroughly with clear and pronounced paragraphs.


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